Final Event of the Tram Research Project MAAS


On 03.05.2023, FZD and HEAG mobilo presented the results of the tram research project MAAS to numerous guests at the depot in Eberstadt.

On 03.05.2023, FZD and HEAG mobilo presented the results of the Feasibility Study for Automation and Assistance Systems of Trams (German: Machbarkeitsstudie zur Automatisierung und zu Assistenzsystemen der Straßenbahn; short: MAAS) at the depot in Eberstadt. The purpose of this project as well as the findings and their future utilization were presented to numerous guests. For hands-on experience, the research tram was driven teleoperated around the depot. The recent industry partner Continental Engineering Services demonstrated an emergency brake assistance system for trams. FZD employees Patrick Pintscher and Timm Ruppert conducted research in the MAAS project and will soon complete their work at FZD. The tram was formerly named MAASBahn. Research with this unique test vehicle, which is equipped with extensive environmental sensors and measurement technology and learns in daily traffic, will continue from now on under the name InnoTram.