FZD als Gastgeber der Experimente des ENABLE-S3 Projektes auf dem Flugplatz in Griesheim

ENABLE-S3 Experiments at Griesheim Airfield


Zwischen dem 22. und 24. Januar wurden im Rahmen des von der EU und dem BMBF geförderten Projektes „ ENABLE-S3 “ unter Federführung von FZD Versuchsfahrten auf dem August-Euler-Flugplatz in Griesheim durchgeführt.

30 beforehand prepared scenarios from highway and pulk traffic to parking scenarios have been performed and sensor data for validation of sensor models were collected. The involved vehicles include four different cars, a trailer, a truck as well as a motorcycle. The recorded sensor data will be used within ENABLE-S3 in different use cases for virtual testing of Automated Cyber Physical Systems (ACPS). The position of all vehicles involved was obtained with high precision GPS. By this, Ground Truth information is available, which makes the collected data extremely valuable and will certainly contribute to fulfilling the goals of the Enable S3 Project.