Institute of Automotive Engineering (FZD)

Welcome to the Institute of Automotive Engineering Darmstadt known as FZD (Fahrzeugtechnik Darmstadt).

WHY: We are committed to contribute to a bright future of the European vehicle industry.

HOW: As a leading “Kaderschmiede” we train future leaders, experts and entrepreneurs in the field of automotive and as a trusted partner of industry we perform research on cutting-edge vehicle technology in a cross-disciplinary manner with an independent long-term view.

WHAT: We focus on assistance systems for cars and automated driving systems for trucks and public transport with a special focus on energy-efficient perception and safety approval strategies. In addition, we are forethinking premium cars which remain desirable and stable in value over decades in the dawn of the software-defined vehicle. Learn more in our strategic fields.

Strategic Fields of FZD Research
Strategic Fields of FZD Research

FZD Office Opening Hours

Current office opening hours for students (for health reasons telephone or e-mail contacts are preferred):

  • Mondays 08:00 – 12:00am
  • Tuesdays 08:00 – 12:00am

Please contact at any time.