Written Exams
Motor Vehicles (KT)
- 15.03.2024 | register in TUcan
For the exam in KT the following equipment is allowed:
- 1 DIN A4 Sheet double sided with hand written notes
- 1 non programmable calculator
- permanent pen
- ruler
Trends in Automotive Engineering (TAE)
- 10.07.2024, 15:30-17:00| register in TUcan
For the exam in TAE the following equipment is allowed:
- Dictionary without any notes
- 1 non programmable calculator
- permanent pen
- ruler
Sustainability and Circularity of Vehicles (NZA)
- 11.12.2024, 09:00 – 10:00 | register in TUcan (will be avaiable later this year)
For the exam in NZA the following equipment is allowed:
- permanent pen
Digital Oral Exams
Ride and Handling (FF, digitally)
Driver Assistance and Automated Driving (FAF, Digitally) – Previously MAA
The oral exams of FF and FAF are held in a digital format only, using the online conference tool Zoom.
When applying for an exam date, students must confirm that they have taken notice of and accept the following (opens in new tab) for digital exams. A request for your agreement will reach you by e-mail. general conditions
Please find available upcoming oral exams in the registration form below.
Oral Exam Registration
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