Dr.-Ing. Norbert Fecher
work +49 6151 16-24203
fax +49 6151 16-
L1|01 413
Otto-Berndt-Straße 2
1989 | Graduation from the Hanns-Seidel-Gymnasium Hösbach |
1989-91 | Military service |
1991-98 | Study of Mechanical and Process Engineering at Technische Universität Darmstadt |
1998-2004 | Research Associate at the Institute of Automotive Engineering at TU Darmstadt |
Since 2004 | Chief engineer |
2005 | Doctorate at TU Darmstadt; Topic: „Distance behavior of vehicle drivers“ |
2011 |
Foundation of the spin-off-company Testcenter Rhein-Main GmbH Since then: CEO and owner of the company |
2016 |
Development of an algorithm to determine the dynamic wheel radii with serial vehicle sensors Optimization of axle adaptions for deployment in an inertia dynamometer |
2015 | Development of a measuring system for crack detection of truck brake discs for deployment in an inertia dynamometer |
2014 | Modernization of the test tool EVITA |
2012-2013 |
Analyzation of the effect of optical and acoustic warning signals for anti-collision systems Development of a sensor system to detect cracks in brake discs on inertia dynamometers (various cooperations with industry partners) |
2011-2014 | Development of a system-independent brake system for analyzing individual brake system components at the inertia dynamometer (cooperation with an industry partner) |
2008-2010 | Various investigations regarding the effect of warning signals for anti-collision systems (cooperation with an industry partner) |
2007 | Driver behavior during active emergency braking (cooperation between the industry and universities „actively“ supported by the BMWI) |
2006 | Testing methods and technology for active / passive safety (cooperation with an industry partner) |
2005 | Driver-oriented evaluation of steering systems (cooperation with an industry partner) |
2004 | Shortening of the braking distance by dynamically controlling dampers (cooperation with an industry partner) |
2003 | Development of concepts and construction of a mobile measuring system for the analyzation of distance control systems (cooperation with an industry partner) |
2002 | Acceptance study for a reversible belt pretensioner (industry, cooperation with the University of Heidelberg) |
1998 | S.A.N.T.O.S project (cooperation between the industry and universities supported by the BMFT) |
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