Picture: Patrick Pintscher

Dr.-Ing. Norbert Fecher


work +49 6151 16-24203
fax +49 6151 16-

Work L1|01 413
Otto-Berndt-Straße 2
64287 Darmstadt

1989 Graduation from the Hanns-Seidel-Gymnasium Hösbach
1989-91 Military service
1991-98 Study of Mechanical and Process Engineering at Technische Universität Darmstadt
1998-2004 Research Associate at the Institute of Automotive Engineering at TU Darmstadt
Since 2004 Chief engineer
2005 Doctorate at TU Darmstadt; Topic: „Distance behavior of vehicle drivers“
2011 Foundation of the spin-off-company Testcenter Rhein-Main GmbH
Since then: CEO and owner of the company
2016 Development of an algorithm to determine the dynamic wheel radii with serial vehicle sensors
Optimization of axle adaptions for deployment in an inertia dynamometer
2015 Development of a measuring system for crack detection of truck brake discs for deployment in an inertia dynamometer
2014 Modernization of the test tool EVITA
2012-2013 Analyzation of the effect of optical and acoustic warning signals for anti-collision systems
Development of a sensor system to detect cracks in brake discs on inertia dynamometers (various cooperations with industry partners)
2011-2014 Development of a system-independent brake system for analyzing individual brake system components at the inertia dynamometer (cooperation with an industry partner)
2008-2010 Various investigations regarding the effect of warning signals for anti-collision systems (cooperation with an industry partner)
2007 Driver behavior during active emergency braking (cooperation between the industry and universities „actively“ supported by the BMWI)
2006 Testing methods and technology for active / passive safety (cooperation with an industry partner)
2005 Driver-oriented evaluation of steering systems (cooperation with an industry partner)
2004 Shortening of the braking distance by dynamically controlling dampers (cooperation with an industry partner)
2003 Development of concepts and construction of a mobile measuring system for the analyzation of distance control systems (cooperation with an industry partner)
2002 Acceptance study for a reversible belt pretensioner (industry, cooperation with the University of Heidelberg)
1998 S.A.N.T.O.S project (cooperation between the industry and universities supported by the BMFT)
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